How Real Are We? (pre-order) by Tiara & Andrew


Pre-Order contains 2 songs.

On March 15, 2024, Grimalkin is releasing Tiara & Andrew's album, "How Real Are We?"

How Real Are We? tells the story of someone going through a metamorphosis. We go through so many changes and eras in our lifetime and this album paints the picture of just a chapter in remembering who you are. It's no secret Tiara & Andrew as a duo and as humans have had quite a past couple of years. With them going full time as musicians, to them becoming broke and hustling with Instacart to make money, Tara's mom being diagnosed with breast cancer, and their album being lost due to software failing at a studio. Tiara and Andrew both pushed through as hard as they could to continue to create, even when that meant starting over. What became of it was a masterpiece and triumph of stories formatted in songs for the world to relate to.

Tiara & Andrew are a married Alternative Folk-pop duo based out of the countryside of Virginia. Their haunting yet ethereal sound creates a cinematic atmosphere.


releases March 15, 2024

Photography: Tiara Mustafa

Songwriter: Tiara Mustafa

Producer and Engineer: Tiara Mustafa and Andrew Blackwell Jr.

Mastered: Sound of Music, Richmond, VA

Lyric Booklet: Skoob

Graphic Design: Skoob



Much love to Sihn Starr Cartia of Paper Phoenix Ink for this review:

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