Instead, I Am A Golden Oriole by Cold Water


February 10, 2023: Grimalkin is collaborating with Revolution Winter to release the next Cold Water album, Instead, I Am a Golden Oriole.

The major outlet of one of Calgary's most prolific musicians (Cold Water, Fulfilment, GreyScreen, Stalwart Sons - among others) and artists (as a notable concrete poet of typewriter art, novelist, organizer of Starry Dynamo arts market, and label runner of Bart Records and Revolution Winter). The self-described "full-stack folk" of Cold Water has continued to hone their idea of playing folk music really loudly, beginning as something of an alt-country band, with a hardcore pedigree filtered through a healthy dose of Canadiana. This culminated in 2015 which saw the release of their self-titled LP "Cold Water" - a collection of smoky guitars, sailing pedal steel and grovelled vocals. Powering through the pandemic and finding a solid line-up, Cold Water have recorded their "Instead I am a Golden Oriole" with Lorrie Matheson in 2022, bridging that earlier moodiness into a more bombastic sound, with the charging classic rock country of "Golden Oriole", the Television-esque psyche dirge of "Cosmic Offering" or even one of the most naked expressions of the fear of been a gay teenager in the countrified "Bronze Medallion".

For the past decade, Kevin Stebner has been singing deeply... more


released February 10, 2023

Vocals/guitars - Kevin Stebner

Bass - Connor HD

Guitar/steel - John Hadley

Drums - Andrew Hume

Recorded by Lorrie Matheson

Mastered by Brad Hawkins

Graphic Design/Cover Art: Justin Lafontaine

@coldwateryyc (instagram)

This album is released on limited edition cassette tapes, CDs, lathe records, and digitally.

Proceeds from tape sales sold on Bandcamp will go to Trellis Society's Aura House in Calgary, who provide support and housing for homeless LGTBQ+ youth:

75% of digital sales on Bandcamp go to the artist.

Per artist, CD proceeds on Bandcamp witl go to Grimalkin.

Lathe sales go back to Grimalkin since we break even if they sell.

Thanks to 15 questions for this interview with Kevin:

Much love to Read RANGE for covering this album:

Much love to Kathryne Lentes and Sihn Starr Cartia at Paper Phoenix Ink for this lovely review of this album:

Much love to Cups N Cakes for this review:

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