Kimchi Gonzales by Jade Fake


November 17, 2023: Filipino born and raised artist Jade Fake (she/her) has always expressed deep interest in music through a vast range of genres from early childhood to adolescence by listening and singing her favorite songs on the guitar at the age of 12. Jade started recording and producing music at the age of 17, experimenting with electronic music on Ableton Live ranging from dance, noise and classical.

Influenced by a wide range of music throughout the years, Jade has formed her unique sound over a couple of years of making music at her home by herself, continuously seeking to explore new grounds throughout her work.

Kimchi Gonzales, the debut EP release by Jade Fake is a collection of 5 songs belting with effeminate vocals speaking about gender-based alienation, dysphoria, self-criticism, and intimacy, with maximalist production on the instrumentals.

100% of tape proceeds and 50% of CD proceeds for this release go to Panday Sining National, a national performing group of artists aiming to create art as a medium for progressive expressions of national democracy. Jade Fake is also a collective member of Panday Sining.

50% of CD proceeds supports Grimalkin's ability to continue making physical releases for our artists.

75% of digital proceeds on Bandcamp go to Jade Fake and the other 25% supports Grimalkin's future releases.


released November 17, 2023


Written, performed, composed, produced, mixed and mastered by Jade Ronin Jose.

Album Art:

Concept, editing, layout and graphic design by Jade Ronin Jose

Photography and makeup by Olive Villanueva and Jade Ronin Jose

Thank you for purchasing this CD/tape and supporting and listening to my work. It really means the whole world to me… i offer this music to the people!

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