Live at Wonderland by Spartan Jet-Plex


I finally listened to my last live set, which was at Wonderland in RVA on March 7th and I'm really proud! It's probably my best set yet. Although I've been writing and recording music for 25 years, I only started playing out in January 2019 and probably only have played about 15 or so shows so far. There's 3 hiccups in these but I play through them and really did a great job. I'm definitely getting better. There's several new songs in here too. I hope you enjoy this!

Proceeds from my music supports Grimalkin's artist and mutual aid collective fund. This helps us pay artists for artwork, posters, playing shows, transportation to/from gigs, and other basic needs. We appreciate any support we can get and please consider becoming a Bandcamp subscriber to my account or on Griamlkin! We also have a Patreon.


released March 24, 2020

Recorded on my phone at Wonderland on March 7, 2020.

Sound by sound person at Wonderland (I am trying to get his name. He did an excellent job and treated all of us with respect and care.)

Mastered by Nancy Grim Kells

Poster by Quinn Monette

Thanks so much to Taylor Ruckle at the All Scene Eye for this interview with me about my music:

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