Procuram Quati (Limited Edition Cassette Tape) by Pedroso & Pedrosa


With each Procuram Quati (Limited Edition Cassette Tape) purchase, you also recieve:

*a Pedroso & Pedrosa sticker

*1 Pedroso & Pedrosa pin

*a dl code of Música for the Rádio by P&P

*Handwritten thank you note

*a couple surprise stickers & pins from Grimalkin Records

Proceeds from cassette sales go to the ANF (Agência de Notícias das Favelas). ANF is an independent news vehicle that was turned into an NGO that produces newspapers, events and other cultural products made exclusively by people that live in favelas. The people who live there rely mainly on their weekly newspaper A Voz da Favela (the Voice of the Favela), which is sold on the streets by an open price (you can pay what you want). P&P feel it's an important organization because the biggest corporation Brazilian News Agency are very conservative and with ideals based on many kinds of racial and social discrimination. It's very difficult for an independent newspaper to reach as many people as 'A Voz da Favela' does, and ANF helps spread the word about what happens in these places from the perspective of those who live there.The newspaper itself is sold mainly in Rio de Janeiro, but the online version has collaborators from other favelas from other states. And now, with the pandemic, they can't sell their newspaper on the streets anymore and are in dire need of donations.

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